Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Positive and Negative Side of Young Generation BY HMD

Few days ago we went for rappelling and mountaineering. There, for one hour during and after lunch we had a special meeting and discussion. There was a crowd of 220 people, relaxing and contributing. 40% of my friends were young and vivacious. Many were from highly learned family. Maximum among them were pursuing MBA or PG after their graduation and few were willing to go for Ph.D. in their areas of interests.

As always is the oldies and elders highlighted few positives and negatives in the young generation, immediately I stepped in and put obvious questions before both the sides-Oldies and Youngies-there was solid constructive discussion. I'm putting just 10 point each on positive and negative side, that I noted as an evergreen learner.
Positives in young generation, highlighted by oldies:
1. Striving hard to see Success, Success and Success, that too, in front of their eyes. 2. They like to live life king size. 3. They have lot of confidence. 4. They have abilities to create more opportunities. 5. They are open to talk and understand and learn lot of things. 6. They are adapting and adopting the globalization/ globalized culture. 7. They try to keep values and ethics intact. 8. They try not to hurt older and elders. 9. They believe in implementations of the best practices. 10. They are willing to relocate and start fresh.
As usual, at every point there was joy, happiness and lot of cheers in the crowd.
Negatives found out by Oldies and Arguments by Youngies.
Few oldies (more than 40 years old) argued when discussed above top positive points of young generation, beyond and next. You may call them critics for cause. They are not against young generation but against their attitude, some sting in their behavior, some thorny instincts and some amazing habits. Oldies are trying to help these coming generations. Main objections of oldies are put here immediately followed by the objections and arguments by the Youngies on that point.
1. They (young generation) frequently change their jobs; hence, they seem to be less committed and oldies doubt their integrity as well.
Youngies argued: Before finding a career of their choice and interest, we want to take 4 to 5 risks in terms of jobs. Once we get it we stick to that organisation for life time. E.g. Ashish did is CFA from top Management institute in India. He went to Australia to work as organisation Head, but came back. Later he joined AXA and now he is happy with his career. Before that he tried jobs in India and abroad and finally landed in this job, settled by now.
2. They are restless people and will not find peace and respect in their life.
Youngies argued: We are not restless; we are dynamic outside but cool inside. Unless we do lot of activities and get maximum exposure of the fast generating technologies, and business, and then adapt to global atmosphere and culture we can't be competitive. Without this even we can't survive. Ashustosh did his MBA Marketing, he worked in India, USA, and UK but after seven jobs he landed in German Remedies a Pharmaceutical organisation and settled by now. Knowing the dynamism and the downfall in the market, no one disrespects him for change in his past jobs; in fact no one has time as half the population has done that during global recession. It is matter of survival instinct of individual and organisations.
3. They do anything to succeed in life.
Youngies argued: No. We also have values and ethics, and don't like corruption. However, we are willing to take extra steps, work more than office hours, and know the matter inside out and take proper steps to success. E.g. Madhu did his Engineering but liked the job of ICWA. So he went on to pursue ICWA and now is Cost Accountant in top Manufacturing unit in Canada. He did not get job in India, hence, settled their. He left his job in Government organisation in India just due to red tapism and as he felt that unless he has international exposure he will waste his skills and opportunities in life before his marriage. He never corrupted, however, even in the government job and in the private jobs he ran extra mile unlike his predecessors. He says, it fallacious that you need to be corrupt to work in the government organisation.
4. They lack patience and persistence.
Youngies argued: No. We believe patience spoils the dynamism of life and may kill the business itself. It may spoil career and even can make life stagnant. Patience is required in growing but patience does not required for taking decision and getting work done. Also we do not want to commit mistake that our past generation did. For example, when email and s.m.s. through cell/mobile phones can deliver a message in seconds then why should we spend hours and years as our past generation did for the same message and decision? Faster the decision, and faster the implementation faster will be human progress and we like to see results because that is the language we understand. Also, patience will not generate jobs for our children. Patience is ok at individual level and for mental satisfaction but not the patience that destroyed the business by the past generation.
5. They are too anxious and want to know much more than they should.
Youngies argued: No. We won't do anything which does not fit in our ethics. If someone hides something we believe that hiding means something fishy is there. That is why Right to Information Act and Compulsory Disclosure are there. Transparency is the way of life and business today. Even 100 Billion Dollars Organizations have transparency in all their transactions, then why not the business I/we are in should be that transparent?
6. They do not respect older generation.
Youngies argued: No. We respect elders at home and older generation outside but through heart. We don't like showing respect with some age old ways. Styles and ways have changed, that's all. E.g. Oldies worked in some government organisation which cared for their employees; however, Youngies are more into private organisations and private organisation expect more from them and have fewer holidays and hence less leisure time is left to them. Hence, we cannot afford to spend more time. Whereas oldies spend lot of time with their previous generation.
7. They spend a lot on self and will not be able to run their family well.
Youngies argued: We require living an up to date lives at all the levels because of globalized culture now a day, right from physical level, spiritual level, to skills level and even to emotional level; hence we spend as much as required. However, we feel, as we invest at least 25% of what we earn for our future, we are also securing lives of people at home, i.e. we are investing for family as well. Also, we don't think we are separate from our family. Adding one more dimension could be, once we get our income we share with our family, hence, no way, anybody can argue that we cannot run a family. In fact, many of us believe that monthly contributions from our pocket and earning, has already put living standard of our family at higher level. Many of us have taken educational loan hence would like to repay by own hard earned money, which has become extremely costly now days and which many parents couldn't afford.
8. They are more extrovert and shameless outspoken while social networking.
Youngies argued: Social networking to benefit all does not mean extrovert always. We know what to share and why, and where. We also have family, individual and private lives.
9. They are more willing to earn fast money. Higher the degree more is the lust for money. More from the business background more the requirement for money.
Youngies Argued: Many said, learning and earning should be linked, otherwise next generation will not learn or at extreme may even avoid going to schools. If fresh Bachelors earn 60K then seniors must earn 90K, if fresh Masters earn 100K then seniors must earn 150K, if fresh PhD earn 75K then seniors must earn 200K, like that. In fact, we mean some link should be there based on time spend for upgrading qualifications, enhanced productivity, increased profit and better performance/s. We no more believe in 'slow and steady wins the race'. For example, right now we believe that unless faster generation of jobs is there, the next generation will face lot of unemployment related problems. Hence, we like to see results of our job, before our eyes and grow our organisation. Few of us even feel (politely) that we should be awarded for our contribution to the organisation and society, unlike the past generations who have kept their nation and organisation on slow pace of development.
10. They are more willing to go abroad, even immigrate to developed nations.
Youngies Argued: No. We are expanding our family base; we are more global citizen than just one country citizen. We don't believe in man made boundaries. Ok, for Cricket or basketball or football or for some sport, we'll support our country, but if someone uses us for fighting with other or against our own country fellows we are not ready. Instead business, arts, technologies should grow, so that all earn money and live a peaceful life. Also, in case, their-is a problem in one country for the time being, we'll shift our family to secure country. What is wrong in that? Everyone in the world wants security, whether he is King, President or a common man. Next step could be, in case, with developing and evolving space age technologies, if human beings develop their habitat on moon, then will you call the first batch that will go for settlement over moon as a cheater to their nation or this earth? Also, did UK and European countrymen called people those flew for opportunities to USA when it was discovered as the traitor? In short, we believe in equal, sustainable, green and equitable growth. In addition believe in faster expansion, faster employment generation, faster human progress, faster technology development, and safety, security, progress and welfare of all.

At this classical question and suggestion, I stopped interviewing next generation, they have higher dreams and strong will to achieve. Hats-off to young generation.

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